Have you ever compared your relationships to a taxidermy drone? I hadn't either, until our fourth video project got under way.
We'd discussed several metaphors to depict the themes of control, expectations, and acceptance in relationships. But none seemed to hit the nail on the head--until we thought of taxidermy drones.
One of my favorite authors said that when we control relationships, we kill them. Rather than allowing relationships to be alive and mysterious--and unpredictable--we force them into the mold of our expectations. We end up structuring relationships so much that we suffocate them, creating a "dead but orderly world of law and predictability." (I was unable to locate the author of this quote.)
The "dead but orderly world" ignited my imagination.
What better to depict this than a taxidermy drone? It would be absurd to prefer a dead, remote control taxidermy drone to a real, live pet. Yet every day, we suffocate relationships so that we can stay in complete control.
Following this train of thought, I conversed with agents about licensing footage of this amazing and absurd flying ostrich drone.
As I continued to explore my options, I also discussed buying this unique and adorable taxidermy squirrel drone that someone had relegated to a shoebox in the closet.
In the end, my collaborators thought that taxidermy drones were too grotesque, too morbid, and too intense.
Instead, we settled on using remote-control bird toys. After some amazing test-runs (in which the remote control birds "flew away" over the apartment complex, across a busy intersection, and into a back yard), we were ready to film.
From start to finish, the process of making this video was impossible to control. From participants to topics to props, it seemed like every part of this project was constantly in jeopardy. COVID shutdowns, sickness, and a revolving door of volunteers made the project difficult to finish. Even on the day of filming, when everything seemed to be falling together, a park ranger picked up the notebook in which I'd stashed scripts, tickets, and more, carrying it away in his garbage truck.
But in the end, we made a video--and a day full of wonderful memories.
Engaging in real relationships and real dreams comes at a cost, but it's worth it. Rather than trying to control our friends, our circumstances, and even our God, we can take a deep breath, step back, and enjoy the the real, unpredictable, and beautiful relationships God has given us.
We hope you enjoy this video.